Meditation is Realization

The word “MEDITATION” is used in various ways, but however it is used, it always refers to techniques that seek the realization of one’s inner nature. Meditation does not require the believe in dogma, doctrine, or any authority. It is an inward journey in...

Know Thyself If You Wish To Know God

Self-knowledge is the key to the knowledge of Truth or God. And throughout the ages, all the great enlightened beings taught this. “Know Thyself” – Socrates “Examine yourself & understand who you are… Whoever does not know self, does...

Meditation versus Relaxation

There is a difference between meditation and relaxation. The purpose of meditation is not to be zoning or spacing out or even reaching some relaxed state of mind. Meditation is sitting in a particular way. It is sitting with attention & an alert state of mind. As...