Know Thyself If You Wish To Know God

by | Sep 25, 2017 | 0 comments

Self-knowledge is the key to the knowledge of Truth or God. And throughout the ages, all the great enlightened beings taught this.
  • “Know Thyself” – Socrates
  • “Examine yourself & understand who you are… Whoever does not know self, does not know anything. But, whoever knows self, has acquired the knowledge of the universe.” ~ Jesus, Book of Thomas (Gnostic Gospels)
  • “Knowing others is intelligence, knowing yourself is true wisdom.” – Lao-Tzu
  • “This is true knowledge, to seek the Self…To seek anything else is ignorance.” – Bhagavad-Gita
  • “The body is the temple of the gods within you. And therefore, it is said, “Man: know thyself.” – ~ Egyptian Proverb
  • “Jesus said, ‘When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you shall know that you are children of the living Father. But if you do not know yourselves, then you live in poverty.'” – Gospel of Thomas
  • “Those who know and realize the Self are forever free.” – Katha Upanishad
  • “All the scriptures tell us one thing: Know Thyself. If you have known yourself, you have known everything else.” – Swami Satchidananda
Spiritual Law, How to know God, Self realizationBut, what is self-knowledge?
If we say, “I know myself” – meaning our outer shape, body, form such knowledge will never lead to the knowledge of God.
If we say, “I know myself – I am (insert your name)”, well that tells us nothing either for that is just a label which our parents have chosen to attach to our form when the “true you” was born into this world.
Real self-knowledge consists in knowing what we are within! It is knowing where we have come from, where we are going, and for what purpose we have entered this world.
Now there are lesser reasons (purposes) as to why we are here. Some of us need to learn about patience, love, or compassion, while others may need to learn about forgiveness, mercy, etc… But our greater purpose is to realize that we have all come from the same “Source'” – that we are one with God. Our great prupose is to recognize or awaken to the truth of our inner being. Even Christ’s great message was that we are all Children of God – divine sparks hidden within this body. And recognizing your divine self is the key to your freedom.
You come from a royal lineage – one of love, compassion, peace, strength, happiness, wisdom, and courage. To define ourselves in terms of our limitated human nature is a desecration of the image of God within us. We must learn to not identify ourselves with that which must pass away, for that part of us is not real. What is real is the eternal part – and we are eternal for we are energy.
So, do not dwell on your short-comings and do not dwell on your faults. Why should you dwell on negativity and limitation when God doesn’t mind your inmperfections. Instead, dwell upon your innate perfection. Contemplate the part of you made in the image & likeness of God, and claim your birth-right. For, when you know thyself as It’s child, you become empowered by all you have inside.
So, make it your purpose to know thyself. For, within you is hidden the treasure of treasures. And if you
“know thyself you will know the universe & God.” – Pythagoras
Now meditation is a priceless tool for attaining this knowledge because it is an inner looking practice. It helps us to see what’s really going on within our hearts & minds. It also helps us to realize the truth of realiaty. And as the great Carl Jung once said,
“The person who looks outside, dreams; the person who looks inside, awakens”.
Awakens to what?  Self-knowledge or God-realization.
Through this realization, we can confidently & boldly declare with certainty that “I & the Father are one!”
Blessing on your journey and may each of your days be filled with an abundance of love, happiness, & peace! ~ Anthony Profeta


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